Welcome to Django Autocomplete’s documentation!


Django Autocomplete

Autocomplete for django models. Form widgets and admin integration examples.


  • Django >=1.7.x.
  • Python 3


Simple install into a virtualenv:

$ pip install git+https://github.com/darrylcousins/django-autocomplete.git

Build and Run Test Project

Get the test project from github:

$ git clone https://github.com/darrylcousins/django-project.git
$ cd django-project

The test project uses django-bootstrap3 and bootstrapped3 admin. these extra packages can be installed with:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

The test project has some tests:

$ python manage.py test project

The tables and sample data can be installed with:

$ python manage.py migrate
$ python manage.py loaddata project/fixtures/project.json

And can be run with:

$ python manage.py runserver 9000

There are no urls beyond the admin screens and api json views. It attempts to demonstrate the autocomplete widgets. All models demonstrate some aspect of the widgets.

Setting up models to use autocomplete

To set up models to use the autocomplete widgets they need to have a api view that will return json which is a list of the items filtered by the request variable term, which itself is the default search variable sent with request by the jqueryui autocomplete widget.

The design decision of this package is to have configuration made at the model level:

>>> class MyModel(models.Model):
...     autocomplete = AutocompleteMeta(
...       name=name,
...       path='api/filter/mymodel'

The meta model has other attributes that may be set.

Permissions may be set for the autocomplete in three ways. As a boolean, if true then the request user must be authenticated, if a string then the single permission is checked, if a list then the user must have all permissions in the list (see has_perms).

The default is None:

...      permissions=True,         # user must be authenticated
...      permissions='is_staff',   # user must have permission is_staff
...      permissions=['is_staff'], # user must have all permissions in list of permissions

The default is to filter on all Char and Text fields but the developer can define the fields to search on:

...      fields=['name', 'description'],

The default behaviour is to also search on searchable fields in the models related by ForeignKey, but this can be disabled:

...      follow_fks=False,
...     )


setting an attribute autocomplete that is an instance of django_autocomplete.meta.AutocompleteMeta is required for each model chosen to use autocomplete widgets.


As can be seen above, each model sets its path to the api view. In order for these views to be created set the following in urls.py:

url(r'', include('django_autocomplete.urls')),


do not use a prefix (e.g. r’api/’) as only the path set by MyModel.autocomplete.path is used.

Once this is done then the view (following the MyModel example) /api/filter/mymodel/ will be available to the autocomplete widgets:


The View

The view used to answer the get request is django_autocomplete.views.AutocompleteView. This view has its own search method but the developer can provide a custom search method for the autocomplete. From the django_autocomplete.views.AutocompleteView:

// the developer can implement own search method
if hasattr(self.model.objects, 'search'):
    queryset = self.model.objects.search(
    queryset = self.search(


Formfield widgets

The only examples found in the example project hooks the widgets into the bootstrapped3 admin. To use the widgets all that is required in most cases is to set formfield_overrides:

class MyModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    formfield_overrides = {
      models.ForeignKey: {'widget': AutocompleteSelectWidget},
      models.ManyToManyField: {'widget': AutocompleteSelectMultipleWidget},

Equally so for inlines formsets:

class MyModelInline(admin.TabularInline):
    formfield_overrides = {
      models.ForeignKey: {'widget': AutocompleteSelectWidget},
      models.ManyToManyField: {'widget': AutocompleteSelectMultipleWidget},

AutocompleteSelectMultipleWidget can also be used in reverse many to one relationships but an admin form will be required. See project.forms.CountryModelForm for an example.


For inlines the template dmin/inlines/inline_tabular.html has been altered to hook the widgets into the javascript.

Generic Content Type Widget

There is a autocomplete widget for generic content types. Simplest implementation is as above:

class TaggedItemAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    model = TaggedItem
    formfield_overrides = {
        models.ForeignKey: {'widget': AutocompleteCTWidget},

But some assumptions are made, namely the object_id is assumed to be name object_id. More finely grained implementation will use formfield_for_foreignkey:

def formfield_for_foreignkey(self, db_field, request, **kwargs):
    if db_field.rel.to == ContentType:
        kwargs['widget'] = AutocompleteCTWidget
        kwargs['widget'].object_field = 'object_id'
    return super(TaggedItemAdmin, self).formfield_for_foreignkey(db_field, request, **kwargs)

Although untested it should allow for a different name for the object_id field and for models with more than one GenericForeignKey.

It has not been tested for inline forms but there is an example of usage in django-project.

Using Widgets Outside the Admin

Each of the widgets need to be aware of the model they are searching. Thus they have access to the autocomplete attribute of the model. The example form projects.forms.SearchForm provides and example of setting up a form to be model aware. It closely follows the django ModelForm to do so.

Indices and tables